As a user of this site it is important that you are informed about our editorial processes and guidelines. We want you to know that we value your use of the site and want to earn your trust. As a healthcare organization, we strive to provide you with accurate, comprehensive, and reliable health information that you can use to inform yourself as a consumer or caregiver. We have not provided health information written for a doctor or in medical terms, unless you are accessing a professional health content site.

The health information we provide for consumers is written specifically for consumers and patients to understand symptoms, a diagnosis, or a complicated illness. In addition, we provide you with a multitude of resources that supply you with more information on community self-help groups and access to content that can help you find the same clinical research that your doctor or clinician uses.

We feel it is critical that you know about our editorial processes so you can judge, on your own, the type of health information we provide on this site. The following sections provide detailed information on who provides the information for us, how the health information is evaluated, who writes the information and how we use sponsored health information—if we do so.

It is important that you understand that the health information content offered on this site cannot replace, nor is it meant to represent, a healthcare patient-provider relationship. You must always consult with a professional for diagnosis and treatment for specific health problems.

What you can expect from us

  • We will post, whenever possible, who wrote the clinical material, where it came from, who reviewed it, and when it was written and last updated.
  • We have not presented to you, to our knowledge, any health information that is false, misleading, or has claims of therapeutic benefit without sufficient clinical support.
  • We do not, to our knowledge, allow health information on this site that promotes ineffective or dangerous products.
  • It is our intention to show to you all relevant information about sponsored content so you can evaluate and create an opinion on such content.
  • It is not our intention to gather information about you on what health information you look at that could be used to identify you. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on data collection and use.

Who provides health information for us

Most of the health information you see on this site is provided by StayWell, a health information company that develops and publishes health information products that are used by leading healthcare organizations, governments, web sites and academic institutions.

How we evaluate the health information you see

We strive to review and evaluate the health information that is provided here on this site and it is our goal to ensure that it is clinically and medically accurate, reliable, complete, and timely.

We welcome your feedback

We want to know what you think about the health information we provide to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us using our online form.